Watch, Pray and Go by Dave
Wilson with Anne Kjeldgaard and Katie Brown
Anne and Katie are the Coordinators for the
mission course called “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement”. This is a
15 week course that we offer here at Trinity every other year.
Katie is a teacher and Anne will soon be leaving the US to love Muslims in
Jesus name.
Matthew 26-28
The conclusion of the
Gospel of Matthew is filled with tension and suspense which leads to the death
of our Lord Jesus Christ and then his glorious resurrection and final
instructions to His followers. “God’s Will” is challenged and questioned
throughout this entire dramatic conclusion of the book. While interacting with
Katie and Anne about this passage, I realized that the mission of God in this
world was brought to life through the death of His son. Instead of keeping the
job all to Himself, Jesus unleashed His spirit into the lives of His followers
to whom He has delegated the work of sharing the hope of everlasting and
eternal life.
In the Garden of Gethsemane
Jesus asked His disciples to ‘watch and pray’. Of course, Jesus knew what was
ahead of them, so He encouraged them to be alert to the work of their Father in
Heaven. The life that we are called into as Christ followers is not easy, but
the comforting thing is that Jesus will always be with us no matter what may
happen. And it is okay to question God in the midst of a trial or hardship.
Jesus prayed and asked to be released from His fate, but he was resolute to do
what the Father wanted. That should be our goal as well when we pray.
Jesus also sent His
followers out on a mission. They were to watch for where God was calling them,
and then pray and question the Father about the calling - just as Jesus did in
the garden. But, His followers are also commissioned to ‘go’. The last recorded
words of Christ in this gospel (Matthew 28:18-20) give very specific directions
on what to do next. He could have said “go and be good people.” Or “go and do
good works.” Or “go and be healthy, wealthy and wise.” But based on His
authority, we are to go and make disciples. We are to baptize them and teach
them. And not just here at home, but in all nations. This command is for all
true believers, no matter if the calling is to go all the way around the world
or if you just simply need to get off the couch and tell a friend.